Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cisco Systems, Inc. Internship Opportunities

Cisco Systems, Inc. Internship OpportunitiesCisco Systems, Inc. Internship OpportunitiesCisco Systems, Inc., headquartered in San Jose, California, is a leading designer, manufacturer, and seller of internet protocol (IP) products that directly relate to the information technology industry worldwide. Cisco creates routers that interconnect public and private IP networks for mobile, data, voice, and video applications, as well as various security products, developed to protect computers. Cisco Systems, Inc., continually seeks bright, talented students interested in learning about the field and hoping to take their classroom learning to a new level. Ciscos paid internship program is a great way for the company to meet and interact with a new generation that will be quickly entering the job market. Locations Cisco Systems, Inc., works hard to offer flexible internship opportunities that often begin throughout the year and in various locations worldwide. Cisco Systems, Inc., location s include Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Internships Departments open to interns include SalesEngineeringFinanceHuman ResourcesBusiness OperationsMarketing The length of each internship varies from three months during the school summer break to 12 or 18 months immediately after graduation or during your final years of study. Some part-time opportunities are available in some countries. Cisco Systems, Inc., also offers MBA internships that provide excellent wages based on hours of work. Cisco seeks candidates for internships and jobs who possess the following qualities effective communication, ability to give and receive constructive criticism, a successful team player, customer oriented, ability to work under pressure, achievement-oriented, and ability to voice opinions and influence group. Benefits Cisco Systems, Inc., offers a very generous hourly wage that ranges based on position and responsibilities. An internship with Cisco will be only the beginning to developing strong networking connections in the field that may also lead to future full-time employment. To Apply Please include the following information when applying for a Cisco internship What you would like to doIdentify your individual skills and interestsWhich country or cities you would like to work in (Cisco does not sponsor interns for work visas)The length of internship youre looking forWhen you will be available Careers Cisco Systems, Inc., is a company that focuses heavily on social responsibility and works hard to become involved in improving life for its employees and making positive changes in the environment by participating in social investments that make a difference.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to get over your fear of speaking up during a big meeting

How to get over yur fear of speaking up during a big meetingHow to get over your fear of speaking up during a big meetingHave you ever been in abig meetingand felt afraid to chime in? Maybe you didnt feel comfortable in front of anew bossor werent sure if your suggestion was up to snuff - only to feel regret about not saying anything after a coworker earns praise for sharing the same idea. Before you beat yourself up for missing anopportunity to shine,Allison Shapira, public speaking pro and the author ofSpeak With Impact,suggests doing something thats actually pretty simple Learning how to speak up.In many organizations, our leadership skills are measured in part by our willingness to talk in a meeting, Shapira shares. I learned early on about the importance of speaking up. I remember a time in graduate school when I was sitting in a microeconomics class. The hochschulprofessor had written a number on the board, and I just couldnt figure out where that number came from.A little vo ice inside me said I must have zoned out while the professor explained it, so everyone else in the class must have known what it meant. But still, I shakily raised my hand and nervously asked the professor to explain the number. A voice in the back of the room called out, Thank you, Allison The professor had skipped a step in his reasoning, and no one had any idea what he was talking about.Though its not always easy to speak up in a meeting, Shapira remembers the eye-opening experience as a defining moment and told us its stayed with her throughout her career.Now, I dont speak up for me so much as the voice in the back of the room, she explains. Ask yourself who is in the room, what your goal is in sharing and, finally, why you care about the issue. That will help build your confidence.4 times you should speak up in a big meetingAccording to Shapira, there arent any hard and fast rules for when to speak up however, she says that paying attention to whos talking, what the companys dy namics are, and what the meeting is about can help. Dont forget that your ability to share your thoughts in a meeting has the potential to change the course of the conversation and build your leadership skills. Here are four scenarios when you can be confident that chiming in is a good idea.1. When You Have a Question Shapiras experience is a perfect example here - someone else may have the same question Sometimes the presenter uses an acronym you dont understand or a chart that isnt marked clearly, she offers. So speak up. Who knows, your boss might have had the same question and be impressed with your courage. To strike it right, she suggests phrasing your question like, Could you explain that? or I think there may be a few people in the room who have questions about this.2. When Someone Asks for Feedback When the person speaking specifically asks, What do others think?, this is a great opportunity to contribute, Shapira reminds. If you feel hesitant, try language like, In my exp erience, Ive found or, From where Im sitting, it seems like Have both positive and constructive feedback to share? Start with the positive. Then, try something like, One area you might consider is X.3. To Further the Discussion If you have an important perspective or specific experience that others in the room need to hear in order to make a decision, speak up encourages Shapira. Maybe youve dealt with this issue in a previous role. In all cases, make sure what you share is relevant to what the group is talking about.4. When Youre Willing to Act as a Lightning Rod Feeling extra-bold? Consider acting as something Shapira calls a lightning rod the person whos willing to address the elephant in the room. To do this effectively, she suggests saying something along the lines of, I can sense some questions in the room about this what are the pitfalls we should be aware of? While this one definitely takes courage, itll earn you respect too. Your heart might start racing as you prepare to s peak. Pay attention to the dynamics in the room, like peoples body language and how they respond to other speakers - and let that guide you on whether or not to contribute.5 talking tips to help you chime in like a champ1. Sit where people can see you. Make eye contact with everyone when you speak, Shapira reminds. Eye contact demonstrates your confidence in yourself - and in the value of what you have to say.2. Speak so everyone can hear you. This one is especially important if people are listening remotely. Slow down and project your voice instead of rushing to get it over with.3. Jot down a few thoughts. Do this before you talk to avoid losing your train of thought halfway through your comment, Shapira advises.4. Pause (and breathe) before you share. Shapira promises this will help center you and strengthen your voice at the same time.5. Avoid using fillers. Youve probably heard this before, but using um or ah will make you sound unsure of yourself. Its absolutely fine to intro duce doubt when you speak, such as, We may want to consider a few things before making a decision, but say it with confidence, Shapira instructs. Using uptalk or other vocal tics will make you sound uncertain.This article was originally published on Brit + Co.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Its Tax Time - RP Federal Resume Writing Services May Be Deductible!

Its Tax Time - RP Federal Resume Writing Services May Be DeductibleIts Tax Time - RP Federal Resume Writing Services May Be DeductibleIts Tax Time RP Federal Resume Writing Services May Be DeductibleGood news Your job search expenses may be tax deductible. It is time to find out whether the money you spend on federal career consulting, federal resume writing, travel and expenses supporting the job search, USAJOBS uploads, Ten Steps to a Federal job books and training are in fact tax deductible.Here are the top six things the IRS wants you to know about deducting costs related to your job search, and my comments about them.1. IRS You can deduct certain expenses you have in looking for a new job in your present occupation, even if you do notlage get a new job. You cannot deduct these expenses if You are looking for a job in a new occupation. (IRS Publication 529, Job Search Expenses)My comment The federal government is NOT a new occupation, it is a new employer. If you are looking for a federal job related to your previous position, you may be able to deduct your expenses. The key is whether you are looking for positions requiring some of the saatkorn transferable skills from your past position to your new position. For instance, management/leadership skills are the same from private industry to federal government accounting skills are the same research and analysis skills are the same customer services is the same.2. IRS You can deduct employment and outplacement agency fees you pay in looking for a new job in your present occupation.My comment The Resume Place, Inc. is considered an employment and outplacement agency, so any fees you incur enlisting our help with your federal job search would meet this criteria. Qualifying fees include our federal resume services, federal career consulting services, federal career training, and books.3. IRS You can deduct amounts you spend for preparing and mailing copies of a resume to prospective employers if you are look ing for a new job in your present occupation.My comment Remember to save your receipts for portfolios, envelopes, stamps, faxing, rented computer time, or any other expenses related to writing and sending your resume.4. IRS If you travel to an area and, while there, you look for a new job in your present occupation, you may be able to deduct travel expenses to and from the area. You can deduct the travel expenses if the trip is primarily to look for a new job. The amount of time you spend on personal activity compared to the amount of time you spend in looking for work is important in determining whether the trip is primarily personal or is primarily to look for a new job.My comment If you drive to The Resume Place, Inc. or attend our Ten Steps One Day class in Gaithersburg, MD, the expenses to get there and back are considered tax deductible.5. IRS You cannot deduct job search expenses if there was a substantial break between the end of your last job and the time you begin looking for a new one.My comment The IRS did not define how long a substantial break is, but even if you have been out of work for awhile, you may still be able to deduct the expenses. Please check with your accountant.6. IRS You cannot deduct job search expenses if you are looking for a job for the first time.For more information about job search expenses, seeIRS Publication 529, Miscellaneous Deductions This publication is available on the IRS Web site, or by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Is Your Resume Hurting or Helping You Get That Interview

Is Your Resume Hurting or Helping You Get That Interview Is Your Resume Hurting or Helping You Get That Interview NEVER I mean NEVER use columns or tables. Most companies and many recruiters use databases to keep track of applicants. When you apply online or via email to a potential employer, your resume gets parsed into a database. If you use a table or columns in order to make things line up and to avoid a struggle with spaces and tabs, it will come out looking very strange on the screen. Borders are inserted lines show up that wont go away and spacing can look weird. So while it might be quick all of those easy-to-use resume templates in Microsoft Word decrease your chances of getting called for an interview because most of them use tables or columns.Do bedrngnis be a jack of all trades Make it abundantly clear to anyone who reads your resume what you do and what type of job you want to find HAVE AN OBJECTIVE. And I DONT mean the very vague Id like to find a position where I can use my experience and education to help a company grow and prosper and to conquer war and make the world a better place to live for .. This is NOT a workable objective. Say Im looking for a Business Development role OR I want a Senior Project Management positionIt does not help your case if you have been in sales and marketing and project management and can do just about anything that an employer may ask of you. Ive never seen a job description that says we want to hire a partie with all kinds of different experience who we may or may not need in the future FOCUS on what you want and state it clearly. If you do have different skill sets, then make several different versions of your resume with specific objectives for each position.Use bullet points. The person who screens your resume on average does so in 1015 SECONDS. If you dont grab their attention in that time, they will not read further. Bullet point youreducationrelevant experienceaccomplishmentsskillsBullets make it much easier to quickly review and find the pertinent information needed in order to move you to the next step.Dont force all your information on one page. If you have been in the work place for more than 10 years, you may very well have a two page resume. That is fine. What is not OK is to decrease the font increase the margins and force everything into a single page.And speaking of fonts DONT mix them It is very difficult on the eyes and it is very distracting to have your anthroponym in one font the places you work in another and the description of what you did in yet another. The same rule goes for bolding and italics. Use them sparsely and occasionally. Special effects are not special if used too frequently.Dont capitalize your name. Again when your resume gets parsed into a database, any correspondence from the recruiter/HR person will pull the information from your resume. So an email to you will say Dear JAMES, if you use caps. Furthermore, many people in this age of ema il will interpret a word in all caps as yelling.Please dont name your resume resume.doc. Everyone who receives your resume will have their own preferences, but remember back to the old days of file cabinets. Use your last name then first name and then any date or other identifying information you want. Example Johnson, Sandy resume 01-2011.doc OR Johnson, Sandy titelseite letter 01-2011. You get the idea. Keep your recipient in mind and remember they receive a LOT of resumes and if we filled them by first name we would have to look through many Sandys to find you.If you are sending your resume by email put your BRIEF cover letter in the body of the email. If you can grab enough attention in your email to get that attachment opened, you want them to see your resume not a cover. OR better yet, forget the traditional cover letter and just make your email short and compelling.Over the years, our team members have noticed that these pointers work for impressive and winning resumes. I f you have any questions about how to formulate a resume, please do not hesitate to contactme at the Davidson Group.I am interested in your successMaster the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Most Popular Look What You Made Me Do Genius

The Most Popular Look What You Made Me Do Genius The Principles of Look What You Made Me Do Genius That You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately Needless to say, Generation X went on to develop into the richest generation in the history of the wealthiest nation on the planet. Actually, parents should become knowledgeable about the indicators of giftedness even before their child starts school. Inquiring minds wish to know. Many people dont believe me once I tell them the forms of people we work for. Giftedness is the consequence of both environmental and genetic aspects, and these two influences can cause differences in how the brain works and develops. Gifted children are often as different from one another as they are from the remainder of society. A good verstndigung im strafverfahren of math teachers are geniuses who understand this, and that makes it difficult to explain it to students that are struggling. Unfortunately, students have started to parrot those exa ct same comments back. Many students were having a rough time remembering passwords. Whats Truly Happening with Look What You Made Me Do Genius To this day I need to pause and mentally sort this one out as a way to receive it right. Gumbo where you dont need to stir the roux for one hour. But since the days passed, I also started to realize Id actually gained something in the procedure, too a new awareness of perspective. For the filling, you own a few choices. I wished to demonstrate the versatility of cornbread and the way its employed in many unique manners and ways, Richards told me over the telephone. Murray encourages todays Millennials to get from the house and grow up. Kenny Omega has a tremendous part in the womens division, Baker states. Bai Yanqing demanded in an attempt to salvage the scenario. For the remainder of his life, probably. Han Yunxi didnt have enough time to spell out everything. I couldnt bear the idea of my son enduring the exact same grief. You see, as a young child, and like nearly all children, I was constantly hoping to impress. Whispered Look What You Made Me Do Genius Secrets When you truly feel like its never likely to generate a difference or whenever you dont feel as if youre completely misunderstood. It ought to be a item that enables you to truly feel someone and understand whats happening with them and truly feel present with them. Its tough to predict who will thrive, and who isnt. Its going to actually be convenient. Last, it would likewise be interesting to ask Murray if he purposely included some errors as a manner of allowing readers to do just a little bit of sleuthing by themselves. Because, it is a whole thing. It becomes something you must do. No, not one of that nonsense Everything about its virtuosically terrible. Songs with but now im only a toy lyrics each of the songs about but now im only a toy. Im contemplating the Beatles. The Look What You Made Me Do Genius Stories Otherwise, you ca n simply tell me later. You must be prepared to start fresh. So, it is a little discouraging. It sounds just somewhat insane. This proved to be a very excellent thing for my creative improvement. At this phase, altering the design of the machine would be too costly, so they developed an alternate solution. Sometimes you only need to produce the leap or you dont create the prospect for yourself. So of course we must break down this wall for innovation and invention to take place. Not only can this error damage the stream of your writing, in addition, it can ensure it is impossible for somebody to see what youre attempting to say. All it requires to prevent this error is to have a second and consider what youre attempting to say. If youre in this scenario, dont panic. It may not be better, but its at the very least a distraction.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Forbidden Truth About Online Resume Writing Service Free Exposed by an Old Pro

The Forbidden Truth About Online Resume Writing Service Free Exposed by an Old Pro Furthermore, you can want to enhance your LinkedIn profile. To join the website, you are going to want to have at the very least a Bachelors degree, which can be in any subject, and oben liegend writing abilities and understanding of the English language. If youre searching for an on-line course site in order to create in-demand skills in todays hottest fields, Udacity is among the platforms you should think about. The website does not have any limitations when it comes to your professional experience and specialization. On top of that, our cost of resume writing tafelgeschirrs is among the lowest on the industry. Below are our services that can help you get hired faster. Neither does this draw any offers. If you are searching for a higher-end provider, please see the top 10 list mentioned previously. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any location in the cre ation practice. Building a resume isnt a task you may leave up to chance. You save a lot of time, as our online helpers are prepared to assist you succeed with a brilliant application document. The qualified experts have written the very best papers in many distinct areas. You may depend on us because weve helped hundreds of different men and women get the jobs theyve always dreamt of. The service utilizes an individual approach for writing all sorts of personalized documents, including cover letters and other kinds of employment-related correspondence. Does not own a contact number or its not readily available for the typical access. The War Against Online Resume Writing Service Free If you are thinking about where to receive a professional resume or cover letter, then youve come to the correct spot. Maybe you have received resume writing instructions sooner or later in your training. All you need to do is to file your request, highlight every detail and chat with your writer to ensure which he or she understands everything about your requirements to supply you with what you are searching for. You can receive your resume accomplished in a day and prepared for submission. The Importance of Online Resume Writing Service Free Moreover, our account is confirmed. Naturally, at the beginning, making money from your own company will be tougher than making cash with the sites above. Now all you need to do is locate work on civilian street. What You Should Do to Find Out About Online Resume Writing Service Free Before Youre Left Behind If this is the case, you want to find some good resume writing tips that give best outcomes. The absolutely free review is truly free, hassle-free, and doesnt call for a leistungspunkt card to begin. The model which suits you will make sure that the employer first sees the most important and appropriate information. Think about the hiring manager who must wade through 200 resumes.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Lost Secret of Event Planning Resume

The Lost Secret of auffhrung Planning Resume Do include when you have a proficiency in a special event registration software or societal media ad management platform. You may also attach a list of references your prospective client may contact to find a mora thorough feedback of your work. Event apps are getting to be an industry standard. At times, sponsorships ought to be solicited from big donors. How to Find Event Planning Resume on the Web Managing an event is simply not the exact same as party planning. Event planners often juggle the planning of many events at once. As an Event Coordinator, you need to be thorough. To find out more on what it requires to be an Event Coordinator, take a look at our complete Event Coordinator Job Description. You just need to find creative. Event coordinating is an enormous undertaking. Event coordinators are liable for every single facet of events and meetings. The event consists of educational sessions that are dedicated to orga nization, leadership and other career-development abilities. It is insufficient to say youve got experience planning events. If you are searching for a job as an event planner, you might need to deliver some skills particular to the trade. Work in event planning are always likely to require some level of negotiation skill. As youre asking for a management position and will likely have an abundance of experience, its wise to introduce a core competencies or key skills section close to the surface of your CV. Vital to your odds of success, your resume introduction has to be short but chock-full of key info about your past and present in addition to your ambitions for the future. Quite often its your previous experience and successes that will determine your success in receiving future events and therefore do not be scared to ask previous clients for references that may be used when pitching for new jobs. Creating web content may benefit your business, your institutions brand, an d your very own personal equity in the market. The final result may boost productivity dramatically. With all these things happening at once at an event, you have to convince the reader that youre able to multi-task along with prioritize for optimum outcomes. You ought to have a strong eye for detail so that every aspect is all up to par for the customers standards. One of the absolute fruchtwein troublesome elements of producing a career change is hoping to compete with different folks who have worked in the field for several years. People today change tasks to acquire an array of professional and individual explanations. When a group from out of town arrives to visit, make sure to react to requests made for performances later on so as to increase the odds they will hire you to be an events manager once more. Coordinating with distinctive people during the different event stages isnt a simple feat, and that means you should have exceptional communication abilities and patienc e. Youll be meeting with diverse people daily. When it has to do with events, remember that no one would like to stay longer than they have to. When theres a certain power or thing of machinery youve got zero knowledge with, allow the employer know youre well prepared to learn. Maybe it isnt the most suitable time for something, for any reason. Youve come to the correct spot.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What Its Really Like to Work at T-Mobile

What Its Really Like to Work at T-MobileWhat Its Really Like to Work at T-Mobile A newcomer on Glassdoors best places to work , T-Mobile is no stranger to other accolades its CEO has been ranked among the highest-rated CEOs for three years running, and it has scored an overall rating of 4.0 on Glassdoor. Want to work there? Heres the real scoop. As you might expect, when you work at a cell-phone service company, you get awesome cell-phone-related perks. One former employee wrote, the cell phone perks are great, as you get 75 percent off yur plan. But perhaps even better, the employee added, is that you also receive stock options, which mature after 12, 24, or 36 months, depending on your title. And the vacation you receive increases every year, which ends up being a lot of vacation after 10-plue years- I had roughly 28 days of PTO, not including holidays.Whats more, another former employee says that T-Mobiles staff gets benefits including great health, dental and v ision insurance, flexible spending, childcare subsidy, life insurance and disability benefits. In fact, the employee wrote, during the time I was working there, T-Mobile provided tuition reimbursement, paid time off, and more. According to one current employee, the culture at T-Mobile is laid back, with good people- especially in HR. A former employee touted T-Mobiles ability to show deep appreciation to its employees, writing, the company takes the time to invest in valuing their workers. In other words, the people here seem to really want you to succeed. Plus, did we mention that T-Mobiles CEO, John Legere, has been ranked among the highest-rated CEOs for three years now ? Hes got a 96 percent approval rating from employees. If you work in a T-Mobile store, youll enjoy the companys distinct pink hue combined with a healthy wash of white to make a more clean, modern color palette. As for the culture, T-Mobile treats their employees as good as they expect us to take care of our cu stomers, wrote one current employee. They are always looking out for our best interest and they are providing us the tools and knowledge to be successful. Management is amazing and so supportive. The culture is energetic, fun, and feels like family A retail sales associate at T-Mobile can expect to make an average of $10.94 per hour, according to salaries left on Glassdoor . A retail sales representative makes about $11.14 an hour, while a customer service representative earns about $13.97 an hour. Pay increases at the managerial level, where a retail associate manager makes $17.29 an hour and a retail store manager earn about $52,588 per year, Glassdoor data shows. T-Mobile is on the cutting edge of technology- and based on employee reviews and ratings, its also forward-thinking when it comes to perks, benefits, and its company culture. Who wouldnt want to work in a laid-back environment with stock options and healthcare?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Record Efficiency Highs on Solar

Record Efficiency Highs on Solar Record Efficiency Highs on Solar Record Efficiency Highs on SolarOrganic solar cells could be placed inconspicuously on a window or the roof of a car. But up to now, there has been little point The efficiency of organic solar cells in converting sunlight to energy has been poor, especially compared to conventional silicon-based solar cells.That fact isnt lost on researchers at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who have worked to develop an organic solar cell based on carbon materials that pushes the needle ahead in terms of efficiency.The multidimensional solar cells, made of simple, nontoxic materials, achieve an efficiency of 15 percent. Thats higher than the 10 percent to 13 percent that have been achieved so far in organic solar cells.This is the first work to demonstrate 15 percent efficiency, says Xiaozhuo Che, a researcher at University of Michigan involved in the development of the organic solar cell. All molecules we use are nontoxic. So me solar cells have lead and other materials that can be very toxic, she says.Unlike inorganic solar cells, organics can be made of inexpensive, flexible carbon-based materials like plastic. Image Robert Coelius Xu / University of Michiganunterstellung solar cells, which have a lifespan of 20 years, arent meant to replace conventional utility-scale or rooftop solar cells, which have achieved efficiency rates of around 30 percent in recent years. Instead, Che says, the organic solar cells are intended to be a supplement.For You Military Looks to Renewables in Battle Zones A potential use is in smart windows, where the organic solar cells can be coated as transparent material. The material is flexible enough to be used on car roofs to generate power for car subsystems such as in-vehicle entertainment systems. It may also be suitable for the exterior of everyday electronics and can be placed in paint, Che says.The researchers developed a stacked organic solar cell with interconnecting structures to convert a wide spectrum of light into energy. They had to balance the material and thickness in order to raise efficiency.The team also had to prove that both vacuum thermal evaporation and solution process could be used to make organic solar cells. There is no clear answer yet if one would be better than the other. In ur work, we combine these two technologies in a tandem structure, which are two cells connected in series, that provides design flexibility for high-efficiency multijunction organic photovoltaics, Che says.Innovations were also made in the process of bringing the multijunction solar cell together. The solar cell is also proof that the efficiency of organic solar cells isnt limited only to the materials, Che says.The research team had aimed to develop a solar material that was cheap and easy to manufacture. The materials in the organic solar cell used are similar to those in OLED displays found in high-end smartphones, and can be made in those factories. OLED displays are primarily made by Samsung and LG Display, but smaller display makers are implementing the capabilities.It should be commercialized in five years, Che says, though she addsthat the lab would need a partner to take the technology to market. What we are now trying to do is push the efficiency to new records.Read MoreMini Sensor Detects and Measures What We EatRobotic Lifeguard Changes Water RescuesMaking the Emotional Robot For Further DiscussionWhat we are now trying to do is push the efficiency to new records. Prof. Xiaozhuo Che, University of Michigan